The inspiration for this project is thanks to the customers at Costco who would compliment me on my packing abilities. One compliment I remember hearing the most would be along the lines of “You must be good at playing Tetris”. Although this game is not exactly Tetris, it captures the same rewarding feeling of optimizing the space you have and being able to adapt your game plan in an instant.
  • Tools used during development: HTML, JavaScript, CSS
  • Integrated mouse and touch controls for placing pieces
  • Custom board and pieces made primarily using CSS’s grid attribute
  • Implementation of a random board generator inspired by Breadth-First Search traversal
  • Focus on the user-experience by implementing design changes based on what play-testers of the game commented on
After completing my web development course in college, I was eager to learn more about the various types of APIs available online. DALL-E’s image AI generator tools caught my attention due to how much traction AI has been getting in the news lately. This project acts as a lightweight social media application where users can make requests to the image generator API for a unique image of their choice and then have the ability to upload it for others who visit the site to see.
  • Tools used during development: React JS, Express JS, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB
  • Managed a MongoDB Atlas server to store and retrieve user-generated postss
  • Two-paged application, one for viewing previously made posts and another for creating a new post
  • Performacne, load, and stress testing
Although I would consider myself a man of many talents, writing, and spelling are not one of them. Throughout high school and the beginning of college, my friends and I would challenge each other to various games on iMessage; with Anagrams being our favorite. To gain the upper hand, I made my version of an Anagrams solver using what I had learned from my Java Object Oriented Programming classes at the time. This solver asks the user for input between 3 to 9 letters and returns all possible words that can be made.
  • Developed my knowledge of data structures such as hash sets and hash maps
  • Implemented efficient query algorithms to access data in polynomial time.
  • Cleansed data from an Oxford English Dictionary text file to a new file in order to make data easier to acquire for later parts of the project.